How to prepare bank probationary officer exam without coaching is a question that is being asked by every aspirant who is preparing for this exam. Bank PO job is one of the most reputable jobs. PO exam is being conducted to recruit candidates for various posts in Bank. Bank PO exam is one of the toughest exams. Therefore, to pass this exam with flying colors, you should devote adequate time to prepare. Due to the rise in the number of applicants, the recruitment authorities have obligated to advance the toughness of the exam. The recruitment authorities have divided the Bank PO exam into two categories prelims and mains. Apart from prelims and mains, there is a personal interview round in which an applicant’s overall personality is being judged. Therefore, it is not easy to crack this exam in the first attempt. It takes around 3-4 years to clear this exam.
However, if you have strong determination and want to clear IBPS PO Exam without coaching then read the following tips which will help you to give shape to your preparation.
Make A Proper Study Plan
Many students fail here because they want to clear Bank PO exam without giving adequate time to understand the proper syllabus and allotting their time according to it. Therefore, the first and foremost thing which you should keep in your mind is creating a proper Timetable. You should start your preparation immediately after filling up the application for the exam. You should give proper time to all subjects for preliminary and mains. Give more time to areas where you are weak, do not neglect any subject because it may cost you a lot.
Apart from making a timetable to study for Bank PO, you should also make a timetable for revision because you can’t grasp everything in one go.
Prepare from the best books
There are a plethora of books available on the market which guarantee to get you success; however, you should not believe all of them. Only study from good books and resources unless you can’t get through in this exam. You should choose your study material carefully because it can make or break your overall preparation. In case if you are a new candidate and it is your first exam, then, we will advise you to join a reputed bank preparation institute in your area and ask them to suggest the best book for PO exam preparation.

Spot Your Weakness and Work on It
Being a candidate you must undergo the entire study plan in detail if you are serious to clear this exam. Evaluate yourself honestly and recognize your weak areas. After spotting your weak area’s you should work on it.
Be Confident in Your Interview Round
After successfully getting through in prelims and mains exam, you should focus on your interview round. It is a final hurdle on your way to getting this job. Hence, the key to clear this round is confidence. Be confident in this round and give an answer to all questions with confidence. Maintain eye contact and if you don’t know the answer to any question then simply say no. You must have a positive approach toward the interview and it will help you to pass the interview.
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